
heading home

this train is crowded 

and the air 's too hot

i feel like jumping out of the door

or crush a window 

and then i'm gone

a cooling breeze

on my sweaty face


i won't get back there again

i won't get back there again

i won't get back there again, never again


ooh hoo yeah yeah

do you think i can

such a tired old man

ooh ooh yeah yeah

some day i'll try

and you can wave me goodbye

'cause i 'll be jumping out of my frame

breaking up that old frame

jumping out of the frame, you 'll see


i 'll kick my shoes off

by bare feet running on the humid grass

then i'll be free

shipping through a live that 's endlessly

at least should be and 


i won't get back there again

i won't get back there again

i won't get back there again, never again


 ooh ooh yeah yeah

do you think i can

such a tired old man

ooh ooh yeah yeah

some day i'll try

and you can wave me goodbye

'cause i 'll be jumping out of my frame

breaking up that old frame

jumping out of my frame, you 'll see

text & musik: andreas grüneberg

©2011 greenmountain music

meist sind es für sich genommen beherrschbare kleinigkeiten, die einen aus dem rahmen springen lassen wollen: die schlechte luft

und die enge im überfüllten zugabteil auf dem heimweg nach einem stressigen arbeitstag - schier endloses generve ... und schon denkt man in ganz anderen kategorien über´s rausspringen aus dem rahmen nach - oder man schreibt einen song wie "frameless".